Help Our Heroes

No strings attached…The Vibrant Family just wants to give back to our community but we need your help

We want to give out all our powerwashing/cleaning services for FREE to Fire and Police stations to help our heroes in this difficult time – Firemen, Police, and EMTs!

UPDATE: We are grateful to have been able to help the wonderful Fire Fighters at Hulmeville Fire Station recently! Learn more at: Vibrant Charity

Dear Neighbors,

I have invited you here to get as many eyes on this as possible so we can find someone to help us out. We are a small local business that provides powerwashing and cleaning services and we have an excess inventory of disinfecting soap that we want to use for the folks that need it.

Do any of you great folks know anyone that works in a fire or police station that will be able to help us coordinate this? 

We are ready to go, we just need some help from you guys to get a contact person within these stations to help us do this If you are that person that can help us set this up, or you know someone that is, please text “hero” to 215-648-2444 And then me, Dom, and Paul will communicate from there and make it happen.

 PS: I have also written a very thorough health guide to protect our families from Covid, please check that out! Tons of free info to spread around and help! Click here for that 

PSS: If anyone needs any help, with anything during this, please dont hesitate to reach out to us


Dr Raj and the Vibrant Washing Team